It's nice when you are expecting a house guest. A little extra cleaning always feels good. I have decided to make portobello goat cheese lasagna with flashy green sauce and a green salad with anise croutons with vinaigrette for Bruce's dinner. Both recipes are by Didi Emmons.
I cast on for the
KP& S cardigan. (It's the second cardigan.) It should move quickly as the yarn is a heavy worsted and needles are a size 9. I'm using the hand spun and some Noro Big Kureyon in color 1 around the shoulders. I just want to be sure I have enough yarn, as it will be impossible to get any more of the hand spun (purchased at least 10 years ago on eBay). Another warm sweater for when the winter weather sucks in Kansas.
Tonight, we will celebrate Tate's birthday at my parents' house. I'm going to give her the Chanelish-Cardigan jacket, the black Fetching glovelets and a gift certificate to Wild Oats. She wanted the kombucha, but it's not quite ready. When it is, she'll get the mushroom, some tea, and the vessel so that she can prepare it at her place.