Saturday, January 12, 2008


This cold I've caught has kicked me straight in the ass. Sam took the last of the cold medicine leaving me with one dose yesterday. And as the day progressed, I became more and more miserable. He brought some more home with him when he came back from work, but they took a long time to start working again.
I didn't have the energy to make dinner, so Sam made grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Always a hit in my book. And he uses sourdough bread and white sharp cheddar, so they are very tasty indeed.
I found myself dozing off before ten last night, so I packed it up and went to bed. But, every time the cold medicine would wear off, I'd be up to take more.
I've got a ton of cleaning to do today. Rainy weather and Basset puppies do not mix well. I figured that I can clean and slip in a few rows here and there. However, I just took my first dose of cold medicine and I've taken the P.M. blend by mistake, thanks to my 48 year old eyes. Crappers. I'll probably be dragging soon.
I had to frog the Koolhaas hat again (#2!) as I messed up the ribbing. Now I am even more determined to figure this one out.
I won't be able to attend Sunday Dinner at my parents' house this weekend. Their health is too fragile to be around anyone who is sick. They still haven't determined what the cause is for my mother's loss of blood. Though this hospital visit has taken it's toll on her over-all health, she sounds okay on the phone. And she's still experiencing pain in her stomach region.
Maybe I'll make some chicken soup with Matzo balls for dinner tonight.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chart Hell

I had gotten about half way through the first pattern repeat of Koolhaas, when I realized that I misread the chart. Blast! So, I've frogged it completely. I'll figure out charts this year if it kills me. It can't be that hard.
I didn't knit at all last night, but spent the evening in the kitchen. We made Eggplant Parmigiana. Tonight, it's Pollo al Diavolo. Yes, I'm dabbling around in my new copy of Molto Italiano. It is served with a simple parsley salad.
One of my friends at work feeds fresh veggies to her dogs along with the dry food each day. For the past week or so, I've been adding steamed vegetables and small amounts of fresh fruit to their dry food. I thought maybe it would take a little weight off of the Beagle. At first, she didn't like it, but now they both go for the fresh food first. And I've noticed that the Beagle isn't wolfing her food down.
I'll get the ribbing done on Koolhaas tonight and work on Lady Eleanor.
I've caught Sam's cold. Damn it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

With a side of stress

I spent the majority of last night in the ER with my Mom. I got home in the wee hours of the morning, so I took today off. I was afraid the the Alligator Puppy wouldn't let me sleep. But, she was great. She was content to sleep in her exercise pen with her lovie until late in the morning.
I got to watch hours and hours of awful late night television with my Mom. She made some particularly funny remarks about the erectile dysfunction medication commercials. "Look at the way the women look at the men!" "Now they are sitting in two tubs staring at the sun? How stupid is that?" And then we watched some lengthy infomercial for Mineral Makeup. "Well, of course the 'before' looks bad. They aren't even smiling." I brought my knitting to the ER, but was too tired and stressed out to knit. Ditto this morning. I felt like I had been beaten all over with a ball peen hammer. Later on, I decided to treat myself by casting on for Koolhaas using Malibrigo. I love, love, love this yarn. It's sooo soft. Maybe one day I can make an entire sweater out of this yarn for me. It's such yummy yarn.
Oh, I ended up getting one of the techno-spindles from my sister! It just arrived late. I'm so happy about that. Next, I will take a spinning lesson from the Cottage Fiber Studio.
We found a Chinese restaurant that delivers. Tonight, we will order from them. I plan on taking it easy and going to bed early.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Kick-Ass Clown Feet

Sometimes when I get the urge to cast on for a new project, it makes me feel good to wind yarn. Here is the Spunky Eclectic sock yarn for December of '07 that I wound up. My son, Dustin, will chide me saying, "Don't be afraid of color." Holy cow this is bright yarn. I think I'll call it Circus because it makes me think of the colorful clowns jumping and hollering.

I have a friend who is very shy. But, she always wears kick-ass wild shoes. She says that's her way of being outgoing. And she can always tuck her feet under her desk if she feels shy. This is definitely kick-ass wild colored yarn. But, I'm not the kind of gal that would hide something kick-ass.

I'm not sure if I'll make the socks for me or use it to make a pair of socks for Dustin. Although he appreciates hand made things, he's not the best at keeping the things I make him. They end up getting lost. So, it's hard for me to rationalize spending many hours on something that will be left carelessly behind. Bad knitting Karma, in my opinion

The weather has warmed up enough to finally melt the block of ice that was my back yard. Now it is a mud pit. And Piddles returns from her outings drenched in mud. I'm on my third load of towels that I've used to clean up the Trusty Beagle and the wiggly Alligator Puppy.

Good news: my Mom has been released from the hospital.