Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day

It's unseasonably cool today. In fact, we have the windows open. I don't think I can remember when it's been cool enough to have the windows open on the 4th.

Here is the July 2 installment from my CSA:

Corn, peppers, cucumbers, basil, green beans, chives, and broccoli. I had a couple ears of corn for dinner. They were so yummy they didn't need anything on them at all!

Wednesday evening, I met up with PJ instead of meeting with the Renegade Spinners. PJ gave me my June installment of Cottage Fiber's fiber club.

I just love the colors. And there is a whopping 11.7 ounces of fiber! I should be able to make something very cool with it once it has been spun.

I also picked up this:

It's a Drum Carder! Now, I will be able to card all the wool I have washed. PJ was kind enough to allow me to make payments. So, on Thursday, I fiddled with the drum carder and carded and spun up some of the Romney wool I have.

It's kind of blah as it is undyed. I'm thinking of dying this wool red. Because it is gray, it will turn out very muted when dyed, which I think would look good. The picture above is 2.8 ounces of wool. I have 3 pounds of this particular wool. Hoo boy. While Romney is easy to spin, it is not particularly soft, which is disappointing. I'll have to think of some type of outerwear for this wool.

So, most of Wednesday and Thursday was spent spinning. The rest of the Spring Flowers roving is spun. I did, however, work on the Mud Season socks:

Don't blow your fingers off setting off firecrackers!

Monday, June 30, 2008

June Fiber!

I got my first Spunky Eclectic Fiber Club today. 6 oz. of merino with 30% mohair. The colourway is called "Flowering Weeds." I spent most of the evening spinning. I've got about half of it spun up. It was a nice break from knitting.

Plus, the weather was nice enough today to scour some wool. It looks as if the weather will be cooperative enough tomorrow, too. I can't believe June is over. I'm on my last week of my sabbatical.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

It CAN be done!

Okay, so I did complete a pair of socks in less than a week! Cast on June 21 and was finished June 27. And that was even taking a day to work on the cowl.

I found out, though, that some folks finished a pair of socks in a couple of days. That just seems impossible to me. Even so, I was glad to see that I could, indeed, knit a pair in a week.

I've cast on for a new pair of socks.

This is the Mud Season yarn from Spunky Eclectic. It was between the Koigu and the Spunky yarns, so I did a little drawing and Spunky won. I also decided to "come out" and photo ALL of my sock yarn.

I actually thought I had more. And for this week's challenge, I am attempting to knit two socks at the same time on one long circular needle. I'm using the Tofutsie's yarn for that pair. Right now, however, it just looks like a tangled mess.

I had the house to myself last night, so I watched HGTV. I noticed that a gal I went to high school with is a host. I smell a boob job and dental work.