Saturday, March 1, 2008

Winner (s)

And the winner is (drum roll, please)
I just met Ratch online at Ravelry. She and I share the same birthday. Heck, we're almost neighbors.

We decided to have two winners just for the heck of it.

And the runner up?
Barbara from Tigers & Strawberries.
I don't remember how I stumbled upon Barbara. I've been a reader for over a year now. But ever since, we have been having the most wonderful dinners. Thank you, Barbara. If you love to cook, check her out! Every single one of her recipes are spot on. There has never been a failure at our house.
Winners, please send me your address at adair(at)kc(dot)rr(dot)com.


Ratch said...

I am so excited!! Thank you so much!

Barbara Fisher said...

Oh, thank you! This is very exciting--I will send you email right out.

I am also happy to hear that the recipes have always worked well for you and your family. That makes me incredibly happy.