Saturday, October 13, 2007

Awful, Harrible Rainy Day

It's been raining like crazy. The worst part is that Piddles hates the rain. I tried and tried to get her to go pee, but no luck. After making her stand in the rain (and listening to her cry) she promptly came in an pooped on the floor. I felt like a monster. She spent the entire morning in her Xpen whimpering.
The Overtime Project is back on again. Seems they still don't have enough warm bodies. So, I'll be doing OT until the end of the month. It's taxing in some ways, but I do like the money.
I've worked on the KF socks this week and the crochet blanket. The blanket is a cat magnet. If I set it down, I'm sure to find a fat cat slumbering on it when I return. I've also been spending some time entering my stuff on Ravelry. But, I figure it's going to take a LONG time, so I might as well get some actual knitting done instead of entering info about it.
I think I'll make the BLT salad for dinner tonight.

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