The blasted time change has me all in a tizzy. I really hate how it gets dark so early. I wish we didn't have Daylight Saving Time. Though, my favorite day of the year is when we get to have that extra hour that is unaccountable for. I used to want to have that as a super power. Being able to stop time so I could do all the things I wanted to do.
Lately, I've been interested in Japanese cooking. I love making Miso soup for lunch. Today, I went to an Asian grocery store downtown in search of Natto. They had not heard of it. I guess I'll just have to keep looking. Natto is very interesting to me. And I might even like it because I like stinky food, like blue cheese and Kim Chi.
I've also been reading about Bento making. Though I'm not interested in the elaborate kind at all. Japanese food interests me because it's so healthy.
The scarf I impulsively cast on for is finished. I'm going to give it to Danny. Now I'm concentrating on the dog sweater as Danny indicated she was anxious to receive it. I figure I'll get those done and give Caitlin the green scarf I made earlier this year. I still have to block the dang thing and take pictures.
What I really want to cast on for is this. I've been collecting some nice yarn to use for it. It's too dark to take pictures today.
I've also been thinking of how I'm going to spend my time off in 2008. I have my sabbatical, and plan to go see Caitlin graduate from college. I also get all my regular vacation time and will roll over vacation time. I believe I have 60 days off next year. I think one of the things I will do is clean out a bunch of stuff around the house and get rid of a bunch of crap. Sam was thinking we could even have a Crap Sale. I think I would definitely want a sign that said just that. 

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