So, now I can sit back and relax. I'm not spending much time cleaning this weekend. It always seems like the house turns into a wreck on Christmas Day. So, I figure I'll just get to it then.
We had another snow storm last night. Both of us were nervous because the lights flickered many times. And since it was about 18 degrees, the house would get mighty cold fast. Even though I wanted to have a fire, I'm saving the wood in case we have another stupid power outage.
I haven't been up to much besides getting the Christmas Crap done. In addition to shopping and wrapping this also includes last-minute blocking and finishing of knitted projects. I try to steer clear of knitting projects close to the holidays. I try to knit them throughout the year to have on hand for birthdays and Christmas. Less pressure. That being said, I cast on and finished a hat. I'm not sure that I will use it as a gift. I think my yarn choice was bad for this particular pattern.
Sam loved the French Onion soup so much he made it himself during the week. We have both been inspired by the current Cook's Illustrated and Fine Cooking magazines. Last night we made Cobb Salad Wraps because I was craving blue cheese.
The parental units are not having Sunday Dinner tonight because Christmas is so close. I can't remember the last time they did not have a Sunday Dinner when they were home. That leaves me all day and all evening to putter around here. Tonight we are either having Chinese Pork and Shitakke Mushroom Wraps or Sweet Potato, Chipotle and Apple Soup.
Yesterday was the Winter Solstice, which means that the days will now get lighter. Thank goodness. I am really hating seeing night time come around 4:30.
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