Saturday, April 12, 2008

Endless Winter

It's been spitting snow today and the wind is blowing quite hard. I am so sick of this stoopid winter. UGH. We had a fire last night, and I'm going to start it up again momentarily. It's also a good day for French Onion Soup. I've started caramelizing the onions. The soup and the fire make the cold blustery weather bearable.
I've turned the heel and finished the gusset of the second Landscape sock. For all you sock knitters, you know this is the Home Stretch.
Five more weeks to go until my sabbatical begins! Hopefully, I'll have the majority of my knitting projects completed. In addition to knitting, spinning, and felting, I plan on getting this place organized. It will be The Great Purge of '08.
Tomorrow, I take my first wet felting class. I bought a couple of round bars of soap to make felted soap for gifts.
I've got Friday off of this coming week. It's Big Trash Day Eve. I plan on ripping out the carpeting in the family room and dragging it out to the curb.

1 comment:

Rineke said...

Hi Sue, you left a comment on my blog asking about the violations of Human Rights by the Chinese government. There's a lot of issues, most recently the violence in Tibet, which is part of CHina (by force). You can check out the human rights watch web-page, click on 'Asia' and you'll see a number of issues concerning China.

cheers, Rineke