Sometimes when I get the urge to cast on for a new project, it makes me feel good to wind yarn. Here is the Spunky Eclectic sock yarn for December of '07 that I wound up. My son, Dustin, will chide me saying, "Don't be afraid of color." Holy cow this is bright yarn. I think I'll call it Circus because it makes me think of the colorful clowns jumping and hollering.
I have a friend who is very shy. But, she always wears kick-ass wild shoes. She says that's her way of being outgoing. And she can always tuck her feet under her desk if she feels shy. This is definitely kick-ass wild colored yarn. But, I'm not the kind of gal that would hide something kick-ass.
I'm not sure if I'll make the socks for me or use it to make a pair of socks for Dustin. Although he appreciates hand made things, he's not the best at keeping the things I make him. They end up getting lost. So, it's hard for me to rationalize spending many hours on something that will be left carelessly behind. Bad knitting Karma, in my opinion
The weather has warmed up enough to finally melt the block of ice that was my back yard. Now it is a mud pit. And Piddles returns from her outings drenched in mud. I'm on my third load of towels that I've used to clean up the Trusty Beagle and the wiggly Alligator Puppy.
Good news: my Mom has been released from the hospital.
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